Fachverband Medienproduktion e.V.drupa
Media Production Daysdeutsch

Robert Auer,
Head of Creation Scholz & Friends

Robert Auer has been copywriting, writing and thinking for clients from the NGO, FMCG, beauty, retail and media sectors for classic campaigns, online communication and dialog measures for 21 years now.

At Scholz & Friends, he developed "Every week a new world" for Tchibo from 2000 to 2005. He then went to BBDO Germany in Düsseldorf, where he worked as a senior copywriter for Wrigleys, Braun International and Bayer. After stints at DDB Düsseldorf (Henkel with Persil and Schauma) and the Goldenen Hirschen in Cologne (Toys "R "us, IP Germany), his next career move took him to Berlin and the PR agency Johanssen + Kretschmer.

As Head of Creation and member of the management team, his work there included the 2009 election campaign of the CDU Saxony with Stanislaw Tillich and Entega communications ("Snowman Demo"). In 2011, he moved to Saatchi & Saatchi Pro as Executive Creative Director, where he was responsible for B2B communications for Bombardier and the Telekom business customer division. Since 2015, he has been back at Scholz & Friends and, as Head of Creation of the Scholz & Friends Business competence brand, looks after classic brands such as AUDI, Charles Vögele, Mercedes-Benz Accessories, Tchibo mobil, RENO, GIRA and ALDI SUISSE, but also NGOs and ministries such as the EU, the BMG and BMFSJ.

